Списък на продуктите по производител CA-MI
Италианска компания за електронни медицински устройства с над 30 години история и износ в над 90 страни по света.
CA-MI е компания, създадена в началото на 80-те на 20 век, базирана в Италия и основана и управлявана от местна фамилия. Компанията е ангажирана в производството на електронни медицински устройства.
Експертност и ноу-хау натрупани през над 30 години опит позиционират Ca-mi на пазара с медицински устройства в над 90 страни по света, където предлагат комплексни решения за медицинските оператори.
CA-MI have been manufacturing various medical devices in Italy since the 80’s and distribute them throughout the world with an international network of distributors and agents to reach capillary hospitals, clinics, sanitary and pharmacy retail shops thanks to the excellent price/quality ratio. All our devices are manufactured in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 and EN ISO 13485:2003 normatives and carry relevant CE 0123 number certied by German Notied Body TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH . New products, state-of-the-art technologies and a fast-growing service are today o‑ered to the various marketplaces world -wid e, thanks to the recent and important investments implemented by CA-MI.
At the same time, CA-MI can costantly count on their own R&D departments to continuously improve the existing devices and to implement and complete the range. Visitors are welcome at our booth on occasion of the major international exhibitions such as Medica in Dusseldorf or Arab Health in Dubai where we are costantly present with our entire range of medical devices.
Class IIa Medical Devices in compliance with MDD 93/42/EEC and subsequent changes:
Suction Units, Aerosol Delivery Systems, Breast Pump, Thermal Inhalator, Blood Pressure Monitors, Aneroid and Palm Sphygmo-manometers, Digital Thermometers, TENS, Pulse Oximeters.
Class I non-sterile Medical Devices in compliance with MDD 93/42/EEC and subsequent changes: Incentive Spirometers, Antidecubitus Mattresses.
Class Im Medical Devices (function of measure) in compliance with MDD 93/42/EEC and subsequent changes: Containers and Disposable Liners.